We depend entirely on individual donations to cover our operating costs. In light of this, we ask that regular visitors to our temple set up a “Supporting Member” donation of $60 per month. Supporting Members may attend all of our events without any additional donations (including sesshin, zazenkais, seminars etc.). Most importantly, Supporting Members fill a critical role in our ability to continue providing this space for Zen training in Chicago which our community depends on. You can set up your regular donation here or make cash or check donations by mail or in person each month (see below for mailing address).

For non-Members: We request a donation for $10 for any visit to our temple or to our Zoom programming. We request a donation of $20 for orientation visits. Donations may be made via Paypal, mailing a check, or dropping cash or a check in our donation box.

Daiyuzenji is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. We encourage Corporate Giving - Ask your employer about matching donation options to double the impact of your contribution.

Mail a check:

Daiyuzenji Rinzai Zen Temple
3717 N Ravenswood Ave. Ste #112
Chicago, IL 60613

If you have any questions, email daiyuzenji@gmail.com. Thank you for your generosity and support.